Warm Weather Prompts Flowers to Bloom Way Too Soon

Warm Weather Prompts Flowers to Bloom Way Too Soon: The freakishly warm weather in the Northeast and Midwest is prompting some trees and shrubs to bloom when they shouldn’t, creating an unusual attraction in gardens and parks but raising the possibility that spring’s flowers will be disappointing.:

And it just plain weird–maybe not detrimental. But weird.

As I type this Christmas morning, my son is dangerously playing with his four foot tall ImagineX dinosaur and my dog is looking out of an open window at a seemingly spring-like horizon. The temperature is quickly rising into the 60s. Yesterday set a record for heat. Today may too.. No White Christmas here in a place it should be cold. But instead, as the linked story references, flowers are blooming.

Not a first, by the way.. as I wrote yesterday, 1955 was warm. As was 2012–another year that Cherry Blossoms were blooming in DC and NYC during weird December/January warmth..

However, just as weird as things are here today, there are equally weird (and worse) in other places.. Tornadoes that killed.. snow in the desert–yes, parts of Nevada had snow for Christmas. This is upside.. Everything this year which should be is not..

2015 may as well end strange. It keeps the pattern of all 12 months that we have just lived through.