REUTERS is offering up some of its logic on the current state of…

REUTERS is offering up some of its logic on the current state of world affairs..  From the column written by Peter Apps:

None of the military options for North Korea are good, and most risk sparking the conflict everyone wants to avoid — possibly while leaving the country’s nuclear program intact. The Obama administration tried to topple Assad through limited support to local forces, without success. No one in the Trump White House has publicly pushed for a large ground intervention, even if Trump could get such an operation past Congress.

At best, the Trump administration hopes it can do a grand bargain with Moscow and Beijing, persuading them to help bring things under control.

At the same time, greater U.S. military action could feed the growing risk of confrontation between nuclear superpowers. Those at the top of the administration — particularly National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and Defense Secretary James Mattis, the key voices behind the Syria strike — know this. In that strike, the U.S. prioritized avoiding Russian casualties, giving Moscow advanced warning and minimizing the threat to Russian advisers believed to be on the targeted Shayrat air base.

The only thing I have been actively doing in my mind as of late is praying for peace.. the world is too beautiful to destroy. 

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