Pope and Trump offer support to Charlie Gard

Pope and Trump offer support to Charlie Gard:

The fate of Charlie Gard, a terminally ill infant, has come to the attention of two of the most powerful people on the planet: Pope Francis and US President Donald Trump.

Last week, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that a hospital can discontinue life support to the baby, who has a rare genetic disease. His doctors wish to take him off life support, but his parents disagree. Charlie’s parents, Chris Gard and Connie Yates, wanted the hospital to release Charlie into their custody so they can take him to the United States for an experimental treatment.

Court rules hospital can withdraw life support for sick baby Charlie Gard

On Sunday, Pope Francis called for the parents of the baby, who is in a hospital in London, to be allowed to “accompany and treat their child until the end.”

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