The amount of rain that has fallen over the past two days has…

The amount of rain that has fallen over the past two days has been mind-boggling. Not only was it a dangerous travel route home yesterday but also one to work this morning.. Along with that, a partially saturated carpet in the living quarters being dried by an industrial fan.

The mid-summer nightmare of a sunless landscape coupled with a copious amount of rain has caused a delirious and dim view on a summer that fades into the trash heap of memory.

Let the sun come back. Let it dry the ground… tropical thunder sounds as I type this. Good day.

Something seemingly does appear different about the ‘weather’ these days. There are normally no mundane talks.. now what was once pointless elevator banter has turned into a nervousness… talking about the weather elicits a stronger response. One that includes fear of the future–earth changes! Global warming!

As the thunder rolls..
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