HEADLINE PHOTOS DECEMBER 13 2022: THE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS IN CENTRALIA DECEMBER 11 2022: THE ANNUAL MURMURATION IN THE SNOW DECEMBER 5 2022: THERE ARE JUST A FEW MORE OF THESE TO GO BEFORE 2022 ENDS NOVEMBER 26 2022: DRESSING WINDOWS APPROPRIATELY NOVEMBER 18 2022: NEVER EAT DECEMBER SNOW. OR NOVEMBER SNOW FOR THAT MATTER. OCTOBER 18 2022: LET THE FIRE OF YOUTH BURN IN DEATH OF AUTUMN SCARES AT STEHR’S ON OCTOBER 8 2022 OCTOBER 4 2022: JUST ONE OF THOSE FORGETTABLE AND REPUGNANT OCTOBER EVENINGS.. THE FINAL SUNSET OF SEPTEMBER 2022.. COULDN’T HAVE BEEN MORE SPECTACULAR FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 9 2022: FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHT SEASON AUGUST 12 2022: IMAGINE IT CAN LAST FOREVER THERE IS A CERTAIN CREEPY FEELING THAT LATE SUMMER HAS.. The notion that the days are shortening.. that the moon is brighter .. that the nights have a little tinge of chill you didn’t feel back in July..This year–like all years–is heading into history quickly.Over the previous few weeks it has been a roller coaster of work and fun.. mixed with a new baby named Reagan Joan into the brave new world appearing as my great niece.Time marches. We are all marching with it. But are we all going in the same direction, marching to the beat of our drum, or instead facing the headwinds of the future and retreating into the past..?TIME WILL TELL. It’s relentless. It has no choice but to continue with or without us. JULY 22 2022: PUT YOUR BEST MIDSUMMER NIGHTMARE FACE FORWARD JULY 2 2022: AMERICA IS 245. WILL WE MAKE 246? JUNE 28 2022: SIMPLE SUMMER NIGHTS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE JUNE 25 2022: RUNNING UP THAT HILL, MAKE A DEAL WITH GOD JUNE 1 2022: ONE SUMMER CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING MAY 30 2022: GRILLIN AND SIZZLIN SEASON MAY 22 2022: AFTER THE SHOW IN THE UNIVERSE OF MADNESS MARCH 20, 2022: WELL HAPPY EASTER SEASON TO YOU, TOO?! MARCH 19 2022: HOPE AFTER A STORM January 27: Just another day in winter JANUARY 6: SOMEWHERE IN TIME ON A SNOWY NIGHT IN CENTRALIA Somewhere in time. On a night just like tonight in Centralia.. Snow fell as it does not.. quiet and cold, with footsteps that marked the fleeting the passage of time on that cold night. Tweet