predicts a Packers win predicts a Packers win predicts a Packers win
Christina Aguilera.. Please
400 Super Bowl fans sent home because of unsafe seats!
The UK INDEPENDENT reports on the mystery of a mummy’s Chinese travel ban..
The Green Bay Packers have been predicted to win, some say by 2 and as much as 10 by others. Steelers lose by 10? Either all of the prognosticators are correct or the fix is in.. We will see. Not that football is like pro-wrestling or anything…
Shopping in a grocery store in the dead of winter on a post-stuck-in-the-house ice storm Sunday brings out that special touch of insanity in people.
A Reuters image of a snow bank as it obscures the logo for Super Bowl XLV outside Cowboy Stadium in Arlington, Texas February 4, 2011.. Texas doesn’t feel right with cold and snow – but the Steelers and the Packers should. Super Bowl tonight.Commercials too.
This weekend, it’s back to Tunisia..
The earth almost had a possible significant impact from an asteroid on February 4 .. While these events occur all of the time, the troubling aspect of this most recent earth-danger was that it was only noticed hours before potential impact. Richard Kowalski at Mount Bigelow Observatory near Tuscon, Arizona found it, and quickly notified … Read more2011 CQ1 was a close call for earth