The chess match goes awry as US officials are taken by surprise at developments in Egypt tonight
The chess match goes awry as US officials are taken by surprise at developments in Egypt tonight
The chess match goes awry as US officials are taken by surprise at developments in Egypt tonight
Egyptians in Tahrir Square hold up shoes in protest as a response to Mubarak’s speech, February 10th 2011 Photo via NPR The gloves–in this case shoes–come off
Full transcript of Mubarak’s speech
Congressman: Mubarak just ‘lit the final fuse’
AFP URGENT Obama will meet with his national security team at the White House Thursday after Mubarak speech, Robert Gibbs said
The ball’s in Barry’s court
Egypt’s vice president tells protesters to go home!!!
As expected, major anger building in Egypt as protesters digest Mubarak’s decision to stay
Mubarak to the world: To hell with what you think