Eggcelent Gaga
Supposedly tonight, Lady Gaga’s Grammy performance is going to somehow, someway, involve a giant egg. Perhaps she’ll wear ham for the occassion.. Eggcelent Gaga
Supposedly tonight, Lady Gaga’s Grammy performance is going to somehow, someway, involve a giant egg. Perhaps she’ll wear ham for the occassion.. Eggcelent Gaga
Is it a link? US researchers said Friday they have found that people who used two specific varieties of pesticide were 2.5 times as likely to develop Parkinson’s disease!!
Mini crisis as people watch in horror! However.. Don’t worry: Justin Bieber still has hair..
The Logical Song – Supertramp
A mystery illness hits the PLAYBOY mansion..
Report: NY Dept. of Labor issues safety violations against #‘Spider-Man’ Broadway musical: More..
Bad night at the PLAYBOY mansion..
Win one for the libertarian? Ron Paul wins at CPAC
I’ve said it before and will say it again: Any Saturday night you’re waiting for a pregnant wife to pop is made better by famed British cooks of the 90s TWO FAT LADIES.
It’s not the 4th of July, but it’s Saturday. Go to the park. Have fun. Chicago – Saturday