George Washington was obviously white.. So how did 90% of the current “Washingtons” become black?

Some interesting facts from the AP Enslaved blacks often didn’t have a surname, so they chose their own.  The AP says it’s a “myth” that they always picked their owners’ last names.  Often they picked something entirely different. Understandably, George Washington’s name was a popular choice. Twelve U.S. Presidents owned slaves, though only eight had … Read moreGeorge Washington was obviously white.. So how did 90% of the current “Washingtons” become black?

Are we witnessing the beginning of a new American civil war?

I have been watching some accounts of Wisconsin’s news events (events that are sure to play out throughout the nation in the upcoming weeks and months).. Families are becoming divided. Wife vs husband. Mother vs daughter.. And even more, with national debt on the federal level, further cuts are going to position the United States … Read moreAre we witnessing the beginning of a new American civil war?