Oscar Sunday…
For those who care: The news wire..The photo wire..Google real timeTwitterBox office MojoNikki Finke The best bunch of news links I can offer.. I’m sure you already had yours picked.
For those who care: The news wire..The photo wire..Google real timeTwitterBox office MojoNikki Finke The best bunch of news links I can offer.. I’m sure you already had yours picked.
In the wake of strong earthquakes, deaths, injuries, and landscape changes, a new threat has emerged: Incidents of domestic violence are also surging.. Fatigue and frailty of humanity.. and a skyrocketing increase in abuse and violence.. “Sometimes the way that it’s expressed, people are a lot (closer to) their breaking point and sometimes some of … Read moreA very sad situation gets even worse in New Zealand
Always the real thing. It’s diet. And now: The Bitter Side of Diet Soda: Strokes And you thought it was just aspartame you had to worry about..
The AP Impact article wants us not to be scared.. I’d rather be informed .. Most of what is reported is already well known. The true and frightening question may be: What makes us think the testing has ended..? Past medical testing on humans occurred at the hands of the United States government
And it’s also worth noting: The blizzard of 93 occurred well into March of that year, as well. It could happen. Chances are it won’t. But after this year’s wild winter weather, once last hurrah is a very possible situation.. Weather to watch for: There is a possibility (only at this point a possibility) that … Read moreWeather to watch for: There is a possibility (only at this point a possibility) that the East Coast may see a major snow event somewhere along the East Coast.. It’s worth watching
Want to be scared? If you live in Pennsylvania and New York, here is reason: The New York TIMES reports: Regulation Lax as Gas Wells’ Tainted Water Hits Rivers
Here’s hoping your weekend was filled with bright days, magical nights, hearty laughs, and incredible sights. And if it wasn’t? Well then good news is that it’s over.
Yesterday was Johnny Cash’s birthday..Hard to believe the man in black left this earth in 2003, so many years ago now.. Time does fly. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
We are told this time Zuckerberg’s online database on you, updated by you, will change what information about you you are able to share with people who are not you. If you care to .. Beware: Facebook is making even MORE changes in its privacy policy
Having a child makes parents speak in code. I am not joking.. Mom or Dad will say things to each other through their infant who can’t speak yet. Case in point, if Tara wants me to do something, she will tell Ayden, “And now daddy is going to help out and get [insert task or … Read moreI’ve noticed something about parenting..