Egypt’s Mubarak may step down
Egypt’s Mubarak may step down
Egypt’s Mubarak may step down
Remember that professor who implanted a third eye in his head? Extreme pain is leading him to take it out.. Third eye blind…
Iceland’s volcano set to blow its top again.. It may dwarf last year’s event
Massive gas explosion last night in Allentown
Goodnight all.. Bruce Springsteen – I’m going down (Source:
Fish kill Florida: Still a mystery..Fish are the latest animal apocalypse..
Two studies confirm what people assume: 1) Students’ IQs are affected by their diets.. And 2) diet soda affects diets, and even could cause strokes.. Strokes rising fast in youth and middle aged populations..…rise tied to diet sodas.. Another study concludes that a poor diet leads to a student’s lower IQ..
While we are looking for ‘them,’ maybe they found us..? The UFO hoax? CBS news reports on the holy land UFO sighting and video..Another website offers ‘proof’ of UFO at the Dome.. Croatia sees fireball.. What will happen on April 13, 2036? The Russians say an asteroid collision with earth.. NASA says not..
Just a few FCC related news links of the day – one a repeat from yesterday.. FCC ties broadband to Obama jobs agenda.. FCC crackdown begins today: They are looking for cellular and GPS jammers.. The FCC has also set the stage for nationwide presidential alerts.. coming to a digital device near you..
Booms in the South: what is shaking the Southeast of the United States? .. a town in Arkansas is getting a dozen earthquakes a day..