Murdoch’s THE DAILY reports: Huffington POST staff in a huff after $315 million sellout
Murdoch’s THE DAILY reports: Huffington POST staff in a huff after $315 million sellout
Murdoch’s THE DAILY reports: Huffington POST staff in a huff after $315 million sellout
Rotten apple: NYC continues with bedbug infestation..
They could be FINED under a new law for wrong prognostications …. It’s not easy being a Romanian witch. If you’re a Romanian witch making predictions, you better get it right.
I’d say no introductions were necessary.. We know him already here on planet earth. Night’all.
I’m sure just an optical illusion.. a trick of a camera.. a glare of a window. But something about it with its strange ghostly presence gives me the creeps.. So .. what is that big green aura at 1 minute and 18 seconds into the video anyway?
Reuters wrap on Huffington Post deal: AOL Inc will buy Arianna Huffington’s influential website for $315 million, looking to the high-profile liberal pundit to rescue it from the dustbin of Internet history
Strange signal sparks ideas of alien life.. Freed Google exec helped cause upraor in Egypt.. Scientists in Britain have successfully tested a vaccine which could work against all known flu strains, the Guardian newspaper reported Monday.. Super Bowl sets record: 111 million people watched the Green Bay Packers beat the Pittsburgh Steelers – and maybe … Read moreSOME RANDOM NEWS OF THE NIGHT
Good luck to my readers in El Paso .. I’m reading news of your water problems.. I’m hoping things get better quickly for you out there, a whole coast away from me..
Judging from some notes, reblogs, and an email I got today, the situation in El Paso tonight appears to be quite desperate.. There was some snow melt today, I’m told, but also some more leaks were discovered. What has not changed today however is the following: Businesses still shut down due to water problems Car … Read moreOut in the West Texas Town of El Paso, they fell in love with a drop of water
I think the beginning of the warning should start with “HAIL TO THE CHIEF” THE FCC PREPS A NEW TEST: THE PRESIDENTIAL EMERGENCY WARNING SYSTEM