21-3 Packers lead.. Blowout potential beginning to occur unless the Black Eyed Peas inspire a big Ben comeback..
Month: February 2011
Sorry but Roseanne being hit by a log isn’t funny..
What happened humor..?
The commercials may be the worst I’ve ever seen..
Except of course the kid in the Darth Vader costume starting the VW Passat..
Watching the Steelers tonight is like watching the Redskins..
Cheeseheads going crazy
Two touchdowns .. Green Bay ahead.. Could this be a blowout??..
And by the way, those listening close heard what they thought they heard: Christina Aguilera did mess up the National Anthem..
And by the way, those listening close heard what they thought they heard: Christina Aguilera did mess up the National Anthem..
Thefixisin.com predicts a Packers win
Thefixisin.com predicts a Packers win
Star spangled ugh..
Christina Aguilera.. Please
400 Super Bowl fans sent home because of unsafe seats!
400 Super Bowl fans sent home because of unsafe seats!
The UK INDEPENDENT reports on the mystery of a mummy’s Chinese travel ban..