A telling tweet..
Month: February 2011
State Department says US government flights out of Egypt after Thursday ‘unlikely’
…take the message as it reads. It’s a game changing day..
This television is rated FS for freaking scary.. Dramatic scenes are unfolding on live TV and real time Internet. But living through history never was pleasant, these events included. Prayers for Cairo and Egypt as battle lines get drawn and rational protest gets drowned out by madness in the streets..
Further delay is not advisable Last part of dramatic US State Dept tweet telling all remaining US citizens they need to report to an airport immediately if they wish to leave Egypt
The world is on fire
Watching live coverage on Msnbc with Brian Williams and Richard Engel .. They are broadcasting live from Egypt in what was once a safe location .. on CNN Anderson Cooper is hovering inside as his location got more dangerous.. The disintegrating situation in Egypt appears to be spinning out of control for the entire world … Read moreThe world is on fire
This train is out of control Senior US official to NBC news, as reported on the Ed Show at 10pm, on Egypt
Woman grows 24-inch long fingernails because she wants to meet Oprah.
Yes because that is exactly what Oprah wants to see. Woman grows 24-inch long fingernails because she wants to meet Oprah.
UFO in the holy city?
A mysterious orb of light caught in camera dropping from the sky over Israel.. At this point, no plausible earthly explanations besides trickery of some kind–but even that is doubtful with multiple videos of the ball of light being existent.
Maybe we’re looking for new real estate?
There are about 50 or so planets mass thinks are good for life.. Moving from your home is one thing, but would you ever consider moving from your planet?
http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/apps/cvp/3.0/swf/cnn_416x234_embed.swf?context=embed&videoId=world/2011/02/02/ac360.anderson.attacked.cnn Case in point on the journalist attacks in Egypt, and as mentioned on Coal Speaker earlier today, here is the video of Anderson Cooper in the midst of an angry crowd around him in Egypt.. (Source: http://i.cdn.turner.com/)