I actually received a sympathy card from the veterinary hospital where my dog Bailey was put down two weeks ago signed by the entire staff.. Even if they do it for all their cases, it still was very kind.. I miss Bailey. Hope she’s doing well.. Even if it risks sounding crazy, maybe one day … Read more

Hey man, sorry I’ve been out of touch! Congratulations on the new offspring! It’s a heavy responsibility, for sure. Did you change blogs? Suddenly Tumblr erased your question to me and says you’re deactivated. Not sure what’s up with Tumblr these days. Anyway, hope you’re well, man!

I’ve had some issues with Tumblr recently.. not sure what happened. I also had a problem with posts being eaten as well..  Thanks for the message back.  As in disagreement with Tumblr, I am not at all deactivated. Unless Mr. Karp just hasn’t told me yet..

History repeats itself: Mike Huckabee calls Natalee Portman’s pregnancy ‘troubling’ because she is not married

Reminiscent of years ago with another politician attacked a pregnancy, although Murphy Brown’s was fiction. But Dan Quayle wasn’t running for president. Mike Huckabee is.. Huckabee: If Natalee Portman’s pregnancy troubles you, guess what, your weird kinda creepy not at all interesting weekend talk show on Fox News troubles a lot more people than a … Read moreHistory repeats itself: Mike Huckabee calls Natalee Portman’s pregnancy ‘troubling’ because she is not married