A reason for few posts this weekend: I was a little concerned about the Tumblr security breach

But Tumblr responded to the worrying security issue:

We’re triple checking everything and bringing in outside auditors to confirm, but we have no reason to believe that anything was compromised. We’re certain that none of your personal information (passwords, etc.) was exposed, and your blog is backed up and safe as always. This was an embarrassing error, but something we were prepared for.

The fact that this occurred at all is still unacceptable, and we’ll be seriously evaluating and adjusting our processes to ensure an error like this can never happen again.

I like how Tumblr responded.. Every time something occurs, they lose in a point in my book. But something like this occurs and they gain them all back. I liked their humility. 

I’m also happy they say the blogs are backed up.

I’d still like to see Mr. Karp come up with a Windows version for us NON MAC users for a backup, of course.. Unless maybe it’s just a sign I should  buy a MAC.

A reason for few posts this weekend: I was a little concerned about the Tumblr security breach