A little iPhone artwork to start the night.. Happy Friday all.
Day: April 1, 2011
TIME magazine offers this up: The ‘kill shot’ trophy image is nothing new.. An “everybody’s doing it” defense..? But an excuse for the trashing of the human rights of civilians? No excuse.. Sorry TIME, no excuse..
Here’s a fun tidbit to ponder for the weekend: During the worst financial crisis in decades, foreign banks got the biggest bang for the buck — and Ben Bernanke stayed quiet (and became the TIME mag person of the year as well!)
Here’s a fun tidbit to ponder for the weekend: During the worst financial crisis in decades, foreign banks got the biggest bang for the buck — and Ben Bernanke stayed quiet (and became the TIME mag person of the year as well!)
Friday attack: Millions of websites hit by massive worldwide cyberattack — The LizaMoon attack started March 29, escalated since
Friday attack: Millions of websites hit by massive worldwide cyberattack — The LizaMoon attack started March 29, escalated since
May your road less traveled be safe for the ride
This is April. I just hope the snow is not radioactive.
Shawn Mullins was so late 90s.. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
The Albany 7 win one
State workers in lottery pool claim their $319 million Of course, as life goes, things are never perfect. There was one person that day who typically joined in office lottery pools who chose this time around not to. And now, the lucky 7 will decide whether to share with the 8th man out.. And if they don’t? … Read moreThe Albany 7 win one
Michio Kaku – ‘Three Raging Reactor Meltdowns’.. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
The cold hard truth ..