A sad night in Iowa: Over one half of a town has been damaged by a severe weather outbreak
A sad night in Iowa: Over one half of a town has been damaged by a severe weather outbreak
A sad night in Iowa: Over one half of a town has been damaged by a severe weather outbreak
My wife and I are watching a Sunday night PBS show of two local high schools in a Jeopardy type competition.. and my wife and I in turn have never, ever felt dumber. I have no clue.. on anything! I’m not smarter than a 5th grader, and in no way smarter than a high schooler. … Read moreWith age comes the lack of widsom
Charl Schwartzel of South Africa takes the Masters 2011
A wild day at the Masters
I was flipping back between the Celtics/Heat game the Masters.. What a major difference.. Fighting on the court of the Celtics game, with Lebron James smashing a ball against the Celtics player’s back. Then to golf.. polite subdued claps, along with quiet announcers. It made me laugh.. And for some reason I was just addicted … Read moreA tale of two sports
In the back of my head.. I still hope Tiger Woods pulls out a victory today.
The weekend is ending. Quickly.
I think this image best exemplifies the US media coverage of post tsunami and current nuke nightmare Japan.. The scene from NAKED GUN of a fire raging while Drebin proclaims ‘nothing to see here’
Something else for us all to worry about: Naked penguins. Apparently they are now choosing to lose their feathers.