Takeoff? We’re waiting..
Will it blast off? ..it’s slated to. Endeavour set *again* for last voyage into space..Congresswoman Giffords lands in Florida to see her husband lift off into space..
Will it blast off? ..it’s slated to. Endeavour set *again* for last voyage into space..Congresswoman Giffords lands in Florida to see her husband lift off into space..
IMF chief arrested for sexual assault allegations.. Reports indicate that Dominique Strauss-Kahn was staying at a swanky New York City apartment, when he ran down a hallway nude after a house maid.. and sexually assaulted her. He was taken off a plane in NYC he boarded for Paris just before it took off.. France shocked at the allegations, … Read moreNot this time.. doesn’t look like the immunity defense will work
Good Sunday evening to everyone.. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Aw, thanks! 🙂 But tell folks to follow website666.com 🙂 That’s right.. my mistake. http://website666.com/ Is the one to follow. Update accordingly.. He’s a good guy–and like me, has two websites. Unlike me doesn’t have both on Tumblr, just in case one goes down.
Careful, the NIA think Ron Paul is qualified to be president. The docu may be good, but personally, any1 who says XYZ is qualified to be president loses my confidence. By today’s standards anyone qualified to be president should not be allowed to run A good friend of mine (http://life.thepete.com/) with a good point.. Read … Read more
I’m wondering.. the weekend question: When did Bill Clinton decide he wants the government to censor the internet..?
Just for the hell of it, here are Lady Gaga’s penis shows, banned by American Idol but not by Coal Speaker.
I would. I will. I did.
Boozed up idiots? Should we be so judgmental… were they just not having a good time..? AUSTRALIA ARRESTS 1600 “BOOZED-UP IDIOTS”
So why did Google do it? Well, I guess because they can.. Amanda Knox trial blogger has been shut down by Google..