You’re lucky! I’m only fifteen years old. I was recently acquainted with Coast to Coast AM / Art Bell a little over a year ago when I came across the frantic Area 51 caller. From that point, I managed to find old links and mp3s of previous shows all through the 90’s. I listen in Saturday nights during ‘Somewhere in Time’ because I absolutely admire Art Bell. I can’t say the same for Noory!

I began listening around 15 back in the mid 90s.. I’m Showing my age. If you want a good one Google 1994 Ghost to Ghost download, you’ll find a good show. And listen to all the Malachi Martin shows on YouTube.

Casey Anthony’s break down in court

The hardest parts of the for a human to take: Superimposed skull over Caylee. Speaking of animals gnawing on the bones of Caylee.. Hardcore evidence on maggots and where they were.. Today was tough.. The spirit of Caylee Anthony was in court today.. I sensed Casey finally is coming to grips with what she did … Read moreCasey Anthony’s break down in court