History may need to be re-written
TELEGRAPH reports: Ernest Hemingway may have been driven to kill himself because of his surveillance by the FBI, his close friend and collaborator has said..
TELEGRAPH reports: Ernest Hemingway may have been driven to kill himself because of his surveillance by the FBI, his close friend and collaborator has said..
Remember the war we are (not) fighting in Libya? The Red Cross is a little alarmed by the situation
Man dies after fireworks hit him in the throat
oh… just one more. Casey ends her day with a smile. Maybe she’s going to Disneyland!!?
….but I ask again, do you want to live forever? .. I think few would.. Do you want to live forever? Scientists give hope to those who may want a cure for aging
…a note to the pundits on TV trying to over-do the verdict: The jury did NOT say Casey was innocent.. they said ‘not guilty,’ which means the prosecution didn’t prove the case.. Now, as for that jury? …we’re still waiting for you to fill those 12 angry empty chairs and tell us why you decided … Read more
If the Casey Anthony trial wasn’t televised and had no attention, would the jury have found her not guilty..? Regardless of her guilt, the jury held true to their oath.. But if Casey was an inner city poor nameless face, would her fate have been different…?
The jury thinks Casey Anthony is a liar.. But not a murderer.. The jury finds her not guilty on murder charges as Casey smirks from her seat…
Amazing images of the Great Missouri Flood of 2011