Tremendously sad story.. msnbc: Pittsburgh emergency responders throw a life vest to Robert Bailey, 80, who climbed onto the roof of his car after being caught in the flash flood. (Chris Langer / AP) We’re keeping our eyes on Pittsburgh today, wehre last night a pair of storms caused a flash flood that submerged more than … Read more
Month: August 2011
It’s always sunny on earth
Scientists aim: Predict sunspots by monitoring sound waves…Hope: Forecast solar storms..Prayer: It will help..Fear: Sunspot will develop, cause a massive solar storm and it will disrupt just about every thing on earth.
61-year-old lifeguard refuses his speedos as sues over mandate to wear them..I don’t think many people will have a problem with that…….
Prayers for the city of Pittsburgh, PA Update: Tragic Pittsburgh: 3 dead from flooding..…one missing..Rescue workers floated over the car of woman and two dead children in the city–not even knowing it was there due to high water that fell from nasty storm system..The storms were quite severe. After rolling through Western Pennsylvania, they landed … Read more
Somehow this makes perfect sense.. the irony..
Bank of America tower in New York City struck by lightningMaybe they should rethink the thousands of layoffs they are planning?
Get ready America
These summer nights are so fleeting. My hope that all of you, out there, are enjoying the remaining dog days of August before the whirlwind of fall arrives.
Just another day in economyland
Downer: The DOW falls yet another 400!Jobless claims rise..What happened to that global recovery?Global risks..Obama on vacation on a sunny island..Thousands gather in Atlanta for a job fair..Twas always thus. And always thus shall be.
Now revealed: Why Art Bell got of Carville the alien: His family thinks it’s haunted.. (I miss this guy!)