A cautionary tale with no exaggeration

If you live in the Coal Region, Wilkes Barre, PA, Harrisburg PA, Hershey PA, Dillsburg, PA, York, PA.. anywhere in Eastern PA.. Halzeton.. you name it.. all the way up to Eastern New York, all the way down the Maryland border: IF you don’t have to go out, or are not currently being evacuated due to this monster flooding happening tonight, don’t go anywhere.. and if you’re pumping basements, managing to drive home from wherever you are at, or just trying to find an open bar with sealed windows, good luck and be safe. This is rain like I don’t remember ever living through.. the river flooding that will be coming over the next few days is going to be horrid.. Good luck all to who need it. Heed my warning.. I try not to play things up much but this, tonight, right now, is absolutely biblical.