Good evening, all.. I’m not in Happy Valley tonight but UNLIKE them I’m happy..
Day: November 10, 2011
Absolutely explosive allegations hit Penn State
New charge bombshell: Did Sandusky pimp out boys?! And the missing DA … This story only deepens..
How Penn State strong responds: Riots’s college.. How Penn State strong responds: Riots
If older women who like younger men are called ‘Cougars’, what do we call older men who like young boys? Nittany Lions??? From an email I received on the Penn State mess
Perfect storms at PSU
Why so much national attention on the Penn State story? It’s obvious.. College football, male testosterone, an American sports pastime .. A famous coach.. University heads.. Money.. Intrigue.. Oh and yes those kids that got molested. But that’s not important, now is it?? (hopefully you detected my sarcasm)
Just a feeling..
Despite the Paterno and Spanier firings I have a strange feeling that this sex scandal at Penn State is not over but perhaps just beginning.. Once the doors swing wide open with allegations, the deluge only starts.. How many more children were molested? And how many others up the now infamous PSU ‘chain of command’ … Read moreJust a feeling..
Good morning world..
JoePa.. NoPa. It’s over
Also while I was gone
Lost three followers. That’s how fast you guys give up on someone?!
While I was gone..
Lots of news.. I’m back. I wasn’t gone for good purposes.. My wife’s mom passed away and a few days were needed.. It has not been easy at all.. Expect more from me starting, well, now I suppose.