Month: November 2011
Old fashioned TV still can do it.. Charlie Brown beats Lady Gaga on Thanksgiving.. Which reminds me, if anyone knows when the Charlie Brown Christmas special is on send me a quick note.
The best thing you can do on a lazy Sunday morning.. Ayden Morris, I’m jealous.
Happy Sunday…
I just don’t like Sundays.
Egypt’s military leaders warn the protesters…
Egypt’s military leaders warn the protesters…
Have you guys ever seen a UFO?
October 2010 – a clear night and a very fast cigar shaped light went through the air above me and seemed to vanish. I have ruled out a shooting star.. but didn’t rule out an American plane or a… other craft.
Good evening.. (Source:
This was not a photoshopped image and it is of a ‘miracle dog’ named Hero shortly after his master, a soldier, died.. ABC News’ Kimberly Launier wrote about the scene .. describing it like this: “ At one point, Hero wandered off and took a stroll in the backyard. All of a sudden, the clouds … Read more
Tense night developing in the international relations department.. no rest for the weary at the State Department.. The rundown of the Pakistani/NATO tension: Border tensions inflame after NATO strike..Tension in Pakistan.. NATO attack kills Pakistani troops..Tensions inflame: Pakistan tells US to vacate air base..NATO says “highly likely” they caused deaths of troops..Deadline: 15 days..Will Australia … Read more
Cops keeping the peace.. perhaps pepper spray would have been better in this story, where police slammed a grandfather to the ground at a WalMart, leaving him unconscious and bloody. And his crime, you ask? People got rowdy in the game section. The man’s grandson got trampled, so he put the video game he was … Read more