New York TIMES details the horrors of the Philadelphia abortion clinic

The first paragraph of the excellent TIMES story is perfect: It was always open late, way past the time the pizza place next door closed at midnight. The women who emerged from it — often poor blacks and Hispanics — appeared dazed and in pain, and sometimes left in ambulances. The doctor who ran the … Read moreNew York TIMES details the horrors of the Philadelphia abortion clinic

Snow angels yes. A snow phallus? … Nope.

The SCENE magazine from Cleveland is reporting that a 16-year-old boy achieved 15 minutes of fame with a 7 foot tall snow sculpture of a penis. While the kid’s friends liked it, enough people didn’t, forcing Elyria Police Chief to tell the boy to neuter the yard.. The penis is gone, but still existent are … Read moreSnow angels yes. A snow phallus? … Nope.