Like a Gremlin at midnight, Tumblr got hungry
Three queued posts eaten, one published at the wrong time… These are some of my least favorite things.
Three queued posts eaten, one published at the wrong time… These are some of my least favorite things.
There is something about a night in the winter, with windswept snow scattered under a bright moon.. I hope things were great and will continue to be.. Until this blog fires up again. Goodnight.
I have my marching orders from Tara: I need to clean my car because, as she explained, it would be wrong for Ayden Morris to be surrounded by ‘daddy’s dirty DNA’.. I concur and the mission now will be to clean.
Good evening. Here’s hoping you’ll enjoy whatever ride Saturday night takes you on. Be safe. (Source:
Not a coin scent, mind you, but cold hard paper cash. Minus the residue of prescription medications and illegal drugs that little our currency from sea to shining sea and beyond. Apparently a money-scented perfume is a key to success.
No really. Atlantic City’s Mayor said that Governor Chris Christie’s plans to take over tourism to benefit the state is a strike against God himself. Although I would have to think if God gambled, he would head to sin city and tear it up a little before stepping foot on the Boardwalk of Atlantic City.
Somehow, someway, Ron Paul and Ralph Nader form a progressive libertarian coalition..
Why did Keith Olbermann leave MSNBC? According to Nikki Finke of Deadline Hollywood, it had nothing to do with Comcast. Instead the site reports that Olbermann himself is the one who made the choice..
Msnbc says sudden departure was ..NOT because of Comcast
But no worries, their cabs will still have that deep hint of regurgitation .. NYC cabbies get a dress code!