Maybe my favorite photo from the storm.. nbcnews: Our NBC News setup in Conn. Cameraman Mike Herron a real trooper!!! (Via @JeffRossen)
Year: 2011
First dead birds, then dead fish … now crickets
Jiminy Cricket! today: A virus has killed millions of crickets raised to feed pet reptiles and those kept in zoos. Some operations have gone bankrupt and others have closed indefinitely until they can rid their facilities of the virus. First dead birds, then dead fish … now crickets
Sarah Palin fights back .. Click here to view the full text (Source:
When you’re a public figure, every clumsy action will be broadcast. This one from Hillary Clinton, falling after going up a flight of stairs, has become a sudden hit on You Tube. Thankfully no one videos me when I’m walking on FLAT SURFACES..
The Kinks – Sunday Afternoon
The Who – I can see for Miles
Juice Newton – Playing with the Queen of Hearts (Source:
Picture perfect morning
Top of the morning (Source:
Of all the question posed, they chose this one during a Coast to Coast AM chat.. and George Noory alleged I was the victim of a peeping Tom..