Of all the question posed, they chose this one during a Coast to Coast AM chat.. and George Noory alleged I was the victim of a peeping Tom..
Year: 2011
The music you put on here is horrible you think you’ll ever change that?
My God! It’s horrible? The music I choose is horrible!? I am sorry to offend your ears.. to make miserable your life… to make awful your existence. As far as changing it? Nope.
The music you put on here is horrible you think you’ll ever change that?
My God! It’s horrible? The music I choose is horrible!? I am sorry to offend your ears.. to make miserable your life… to make awful your existence. As far as changing it? Nope.
Don’t go over the borderline. Goodnight earth. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
There is a certain silence when it snows at night. Nothing moves. But there is a loud noise at the same time. I can only think it’s the roar of a billion snowflakes hitting the ground at once causing a hum of passion. My thoughts as I shoveled tonight. Yes. I think about this stuff… weird.
A ‘few inches’ as the local meteorologist would say has turned into quite a few more..
Bailey enjoys a winter paradise
A dark and snowy night in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania..
For all the new readers here…
You may as well follow me …
That’s a wrap: Update on all the rest of the day’s news of importance
Massive layoffs taking place at Myspace–fast becoming office space available..MORE: MySpace said Tuesday that it is cutting nearly half of its staff in an effort to create a “much tighter focus”. .. Google this! Google founder Larry Page buys a 193-foot-yacht.. Second hand.. “Instant tsunami” hits Australia.. Is that it!? Location of Mona Lisa background … Read moreThat’s a wrap: Update on all the rest of the day’s news of importance