I just thought it was plain bad. Never mind the science. NASA BECOMES A FILM CRITIC? DECLARES FILM ‘2012’ THE ‘MOST FLAWED’ SCI FI FILM IN HISTORY!
I just thought it was plain bad. Never mind the science. NASA BECOMES A FILM CRITIC? DECLARES FILM ‘2012’ THE ‘MOST FLAWED’ SCI FI FILM IN HISTORY!
NASA announces rocky exoplanet find..Found outside out solar system..Rocky road: Probe finds ‘planetary missing link’..Small and rocky.. 560 LIGHT-YEARS AWAY: MEET KEPLER 10b
BRAD MELTZER WRITES: I WAS RECRUITED BY HOMELAND SECURITY // WRITEs: “And when I went home at night, I felt horrified, because I saw how easy it was to kill us” Assange ready: Says Wikileaks is stepping up release of leaked documents..
Claim: Tuscon killer Jared Loughner frequented conspiracy and UFO sites….sought community at fellow commenters questioned his sanity in threads!Above Top Secret’s statement on their most famous user.. And in news about Loughner’s shooting – on the DAY OF the shooting: AP reports: Investigators on Tuesday revealed more disturbing details about the events leading up … Read moreUpdate on the Tuscon massacre
I took the Coal Speaker dog Bailey for a walk tonight in the snow storm. There was something very peaceful.. Night snow is quiet.. And yes, my location is miles from an interstate and relatively in a quiet part of the earth, there is still noise pollution. But on a night where the only thing visible … Read moreMother Nature gives you no choice: Rest for a night
The coal region begins go get buried. While I’m hoping for a foot I suppose we’ll only get half of that. NYC and Boston: Enjoy the rest..
It’s snow folks. It’s snow. It’s not a crisis, emergency, or the end of the world. Yes be careful. But enjoy it too. Too many scare tactics anymore.. It gets to be too much.
Scientists proclaim: Too much TV damages the heart!
Unplowed roads and iced over sidewalks: Atlanta, Georgia, completely shut down snowstorm
A cross eyed opossum has captured the heart of Germany. Now if only David Hasselhoff was cross eyed.