All victims of a crime that didn’t have to happen but did.. Hopefully they find rest in whatever eternal life exists after this madness on earth.. inothernews: The victims who died, clockwise from top left: Christina Taylor Green, 9; Dorothy Morris, 76; United States District Judge John M. Roll, 63; Gabriel Zimmerman, 30, an aide … Read more
Year: 2011
The storm this week as broken down by Accuweather’s Henry Margusity
The storm this week as broken down by Accuweather’s Henry Margusity
The latest frightening map from Accuweather.. People in New York City may not like seeing this one.. But it may be more notable that the South is in for the massive brunt of the latest winter storm.. Link: Snow, Ice Threatens Travel, Power Outages in South
If I’m not mistaken…
I think this January is missing that coveted January thaw. Maybe later in the month. Sure, that’s it..
Jim Carrey on SNL the highest rated since Betty White
Jim Carrey on SNL the highest rated since Betty White
Image from a vigil outside Arizona Capitol Saturday night for those killed by Jared Loughner
This upcoming week
For those sick of divided politics, get ready. It’s going to be brutal.. Gun control vs no control.. Abortion as terror vs pro choice as error.. Truth vs fiction. Politics is a dirty game to begin with, but when violence like we saw this weekend is thrown into the mix, it brews a bad combination … Read moreThis upcoming week
Daily Kos also had interesting rant about Gabrielle Giffords
And another piece of irony: Described by Classmate as ‘Left-Wing Pothead’… Daily Kos also had interesting rant about Gabrielle Giffords
The only man for the job
Attorney appointed to defend Jared Lee Loughner is Judy Clarke, known for defending Unabomber Ted Kaczynski
And then it’s on to the Northeast
The winter storm nailing the South will turn into potential blizzard in the Northeast and New England Tuesday/Wednesday..