Boehner won’t commit a boner
Boehner to ‘birthers’: Hawaii’s word good enough for me
Boehner to ‘birthers’: Hawaii’s word good enough for me
If anyone out there ages 26 – 40 reading this remember the different names of maps we had to study in grade school geography, I literally forget it all, send me a message
Fax machines maybe.. Video rental stores sure.. But forgetting friends is a part of life, as is a watch. And sometimes a hand written sentiment is much more meaningful than a blog post or a tweet. I think some of these tech-related futurists are a little off, but for the most part correct. I’d miss … Read moreHere’s a list of things kids born in 2011 will never know of
NYTimes: why are taxpayers funding Facebook?
Women raped in mass attack in the Congo
I’ll be honest, seeing a dead bird in the morning now really freaks me out..
Winter storm watch posted for NYC metro.
Good morning, fare earth.. welcome to the Windmills of your Mind of another day on the planet, as it revolves and devolves in space..
Midnight on the East Coast, night begins to take hold over America.. Edison Lighthouse: Love grows where my Rosemary Goes.. But nobody knew but him. (Source:
Discovery channel and Catholic Church team for exorcism reality show