Outrage predicted as respected Journal ready to publish ESP story
Outrage predicted as respected Journal ready to publish ESP story
Outrage predicted as respected Journal ready to publish ESP story
Fireworks are not to blame. Instead the working theory is hypothermia. And while that is a working theory, other theories are rampant as the worldwide plight of fish and birds seemingly continues. 40,000 crabs dead on England’s beaches
Chris Isaak – Somebody’s Crying (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Me: Tara, do you want any Mother’s Oats? Tara: What the f&* is Mother’s Oats!? Me: Oatmeal Tara: No, I have my teeth. Later in the night… Tara: Why can you just say oatmeal?
The full text of Brian Deer’s first article, “How The Case Against The MMR [Measles, Mumps, Rubella] Vaccine Was Fixed” from the British Medical Journal, published 5 January 2011.
Photo of the day from washingtonexaminer of a rather large (as so noted throughout the blogger community tonight) gavel being exchanged between Pelosi and Boehner–a Boehner not pronounced like it’s spelled: Speaker
Israel and Arabs united on one issue: UFOs.. Maryland drivers watch UFO overhead.. What will a documentary producer reveal about Area 51?
Scholar reissues Huckleberry Finn minus the “N”-word This is causing huge debate nationwide tonight.. the decision to publish a new edition of Mark Twain’s novel Huckleberry Finn without the ‘n word’ within has brought up old wounds, and fresh debates over what is censorship and whether it’s right. In my opinion, the obstacle of looking … Read moreTaking a side on HUCK FINN
Fine.Ok. But now what? The mystery surrounding autism isn’t going away. This study of a study will only complicate an already complicated fight over what exactly causes autism and what doesn’t.. While the ‘hoax’ of the vaccine link to autism is now being widely reported, what about the other question of WHAT CAUSES AUTISM AND … Read moreRetracted autism study an ‘elaborate fraud,’ British journal says
Dogs hate vets… But you’d hate your temperature taken that way too..