Birds dead: Louisiana
Dropping like flies birds.. Hundreds of red-winged blackbirds fall to the ground in Louisiana.. ..the same type of bird dead in Arkansas..
Dropping like flies birds.. Hundreds of red-winged blackbirds fall to the ground in Louisiana.. ..the same type of bird dead in Arkansas..
But…..don’t be alarmed, it’s only a few Another state?! Kentucky woman reports dead birds in her yard
It’s now 5000 blackbirds over a large 5 or so Mile radius that are dead in Arkansas. But the story continues to get more mysterious.. The birds died, we’re told, of massive trauma. Their insides, including their livers, appear to have been decimated.. And so far it only appears to be one type of species … Read moreBirds of a flock die together?
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The Arkansas bird conundrum: They are blaming… fireworks?
The Arkansas bird conundrum: They are blaming… fireworks?
Update: Dead fish line the Arkansas River..Rumors: Animal deaths connected to government testing?Disease suspected in mass fish death..Officials: Falling birds died of trauma..Dead bird videos go viral..