Burn on the Fourth of July: Counties across the South impose a ban on fireworks as temps sizzle
Burn on the Fourth of July: Counties across the South impose a ban on fireworks as temps sizzle
Burn on the Fourth of July: Counties across the South impose a ban on fireworks as temps sizzle
Cash strapped but creative, a Russian sports team will play in bikinis for more attention..
Go Daddy was sold this week for $2.25 billion bucks.. and it’s giving a lot of people the excuse of running an image of giant breasts with the Go Daddy image planted on them. Including me. Because it’s the Fourth of July, and damnit, that’s the right of every American: To blog an image of … Read more
Cautionary Fourth of July tale: Check your sinks under carriage.. …or you may find a hungry boa..
Come on down!! Eugenics with a reward: India health officials offer cars and other prizes as a reward for sterlization..
Happy Saturday.. And start of a great holiday
Boom Boom Ba
Man’s defense for broad daylight sexual assault on woman: He thought she was DEAD!
Ashton Kutcher vs the VILLAGE VOICE
Welcome to the articifial world: FARMVILLE files for IPO!Zynga aims high..Months ago, a story was relayed to me about Farmville. My sister was in a sandwich shop waiting for food when a woman in front of her, obviously rushing, told the person at the register that she needed to get home quickly to tend to … Read moreA fake world making millions