Deep into patriotism..stand up for yourself always. Goodnight world. (Source:
Year: 2011
You’ll never know where you’ll find a meth lad these days! It could be.. your backyard.. It could be a restaurant that has a hotel over top—a restaurant with a cute little grandmother figure standing outside watching for danger. This one, unfortunately, passed granny by. The site: Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania; Frackville. Granny’s Motel: Cops swooped … Read more
The Kahn man can: He’s out–on his own recognizance
Dominique Strauss-Kahn… how do you do the things you do…? The Kahn man can: He’s out–on his own recognizance
Scott Joplin – Bethena
Happy July. (Source:
Today was another tough day..
Always hug your mom, dad, spouse, and kids. Life is quick..precious.. And alarmingly fragile..
AP source: Ex-IMF leader’s bail to be reduced because of issues with accuser’s credibility Hmmmm… Convenient..
Moonlight Sonata – Beethoven
Good evening..good morning. Whever you may be
That’s the Coal Speaker version of news for now..
I will be updating when I can.. In the immediate, family comes first and as those following me know, it hasn’t been easy lately. Please keep the compassion of collective consciousness coming this way, I believe there is a certain power to it. At least I hope.