Just in time for the Fourth of July, TIME magazine shreds the Constitution on its cover… Oy.
Year: 2011
Happy midnight. Goodnight.
This is just how the earth is on Monday to getting slammed with an asteroid. We luck out again. But each time seemingly gets closer, this being only 7,500 miles away–and closer than the moon as well.
A great link: Live disaster alerts from around the earth all on one map
A great link: Live disaster alerts from around the earth all on one map
Goodnight all (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Young Forever – Jay Z (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Legislation to legalize same-sex marriage in New York cleared the last major hurdle with a 33-to-29 vote in the state Senate, sending the bill to the governor’s desk for his expected approval. CNN news alert
I just realized, I got lots of new followers.. Welcome aboard the Coal Speaking express
Dunn and gone
JACKASS star Ryan Dunn dead in a horrible traffic accident.. but his online life lives.. *Including his Tumblr..