Nothing to fear but fear itself
Want an example as to why? Apparently new research is concluding that the fear over terrorism is making people stupid..…
Want an example as to why? Apparently new research is concluding that the fear over terrorism is making people stupid..…
UK copyright lobby holds closed door meeting with officials to discuss web censorship
Don’t let fog cloud the truth. Good morning everyone and happy belated first day of summer…
All across the nation, such a strange vibration. People in motion… (Source:
…that’s if we make it through ‘12, of course.. Newfound comet will swing by earth in 2013
Vampire Weekend – I’m Goin’ Down (Bruce Springsteen Cover)
But apparently can’t return the favor now that someone in the entertainment world is DEAD.. Ebert’s Tweet mocking the death of Ryan Dunn has set off a firestorm of controversy.. Dunn drove drunk, yes, but with him dead now how will sarcastic jokes on the stupidity of drunk driving help anything?
Teenager arrested in relation to Sony hacks
John McCain lights a firestorm: He said that there is ‘evidence’ that illegal immigrants are partly to blame for massive Southwest wildfires
The story has been alive and well on blogs and independent websites for several days, but now real media attention (tongue in cheek there) is beginning to issue some press on the story of Fort Calhoun and Nebraksa.. The NEW YORK TIMES running a piece about Fort Calhoun and the Cooper Station.. Also revealed: Cooper … Read moreFinally, the news media has realized that the Midwest flooding is threatening nuke plants