The ‘shocking decline’ of the world’s oceans
New expert report says earth’s waters are “at high risk of entering a phase of extinction of marine species unprecedented in human history” The ‘shocking decline’ of the world’s oceans
New expert report says earth’s waters are “at high risk of entering a phase of extinction of marine species unprecedented in human history” The ‘shocking decline’ of the world’s oceans
Strange weather: Snow falls in Colorado on the eve of Summer
For Olympics 2012, sports fans will be wearing Prada
Ok, put on your surprise face.. Miss California wins..
Everything is ‘under control’: Nebraska Nuke Plant Owners Tell Management To Buy Anything They Need To Ward Off Rising Floodwaters
“Jackass” star Ryan Dunn died Monday in a fiery Pennsylvania car crash
Well so much for that, I guess.. Walmart wins one with the judges.. This is how the AP reports it: “The Supreme Court blocked the largest sex-discrimination lawsuit in U.S. history on Monday, siding with Wal-Mart and against up to 1.6 million female workers in a decision that makes it harder to mount large-scale bias … Read more
Ron Paul warns: Inflation worse than the 1970s
Censorship on You Tube?… Just maybe…
River comes within mere inches of nuke shutdown in Nebraska!