To the moon Newt

Of all of the things said tonight in the 19TH GOP debate (19!?) the moon conversation was the most interesting..

And I found myself cheering on ….. NEWT GINGRICH.

We should be on the moon. If we are not already.. and for goodness sakes if you listen to Richard Hoagland we already have a base there. 

Most however say we don’t.. and we don’t.

But we should.

There is water on the moon. There is also a race to get back to the moon…

In my mind it discredits John F. Kennedy if we DON’T GO BACK TO THE MOON.

Mitt Romney said the moon can wait..
Ron Paul wants to send poilticians to the moon.

I want Newt’s idea to work.. I think a base is good. For the military ? for science and the passion to expand our horizons and try to understand who we are and what we are? Yes…

…but …I don’t imagine our budget climate will allow us to go there..

So in that case I wish Richard Hoagland was right and that we are already happily there.. exploring and looking back at the pale blue dot dominated by war and REPUBLICAN debates…