President Obama offers a tip on how to appear out of touch: Say it is ‘interesting’ that someone cannot find a job since.. well, everyone is hiring! January 31, 2012 by THE COAL SPEAKER …they are hiring, right? I mean.. he says they are.. So an engineer shouldn’t have trouble landing the next gig, right? President Obama offers a tip on how to appear out of touch: Say it is ‘interesting’ that someone cannot find a job since.. well, everyone is hiring! Related Posts The NEW YORK TIMES finally acknowledges the death of Debra Hill May 23, 2019 THE COAL SPEAKER The Spencer House revisited May 13, 2019 THE COAL SPEAKER Holy week goes to hell: Notre-Dame up in smoke in Paris blaze! April 15, 2019 THE COAL SPEAKER What we learned today in the Pat Murphy saga: Megan Hall is MAGEN HALL March 28, 2019 THE COAL SPEAKER Tweet Related