The earth groan: The oil mill theory… the solar flare theory… the grassy knoll theory next!?

Strange moaning and groaning still taking place around the world.. now more coverage is being given to the odd noises. Some report a trumpet like sound.. some report a grumble or groan.. some report odd airy humming noises in the night. And lots of people think talk of noises and groaning is simply foolish and fable. The great hoax of the earth groan? Or the great groan of the planet in horror?
The debate over just what the sounds indicate continues. Dateline: Borneo, Indonesia. Strange sounds that were heard in January are being debunked this way: They were noises emitted from machines at a nearby oil mill. But debate isn’t over with the official government response. People, not convinced with the ‘official explanation’ of noises are continuing their discussion over what exactly the noises.. really .. are..

…how could it be an oil mill when so many…paranormal explanations are being supplied in coffee shops and street corners around Borneo?

There are also those who claim the giant Planet X is coming.. Niburi returning with a vengeance, being announced with trumpets of doom.
So many theories.. so few correct.
So many mysteries over what exactly the groans could be.
And even prophecy itself from Biblical passages have been pointed to for answers on the 24-month-old quandary. Romans 8:22: 

We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time

…We have the God theory.
The oil mill.

The solar flare.
The Nibiru…
And we don’t know a thing.
Except, we do know this: There is a great deal of fakery taking place online. YouTube videos are recreating scenes and sounds, borrowing the trumpet noise from one video and implanting it in others. Many are fake… Which brings up this interesting question. Is this all advertising? A fear campaign on purpose? Will some movie company soon release details of an upcoming film about the earth groaning..moaning.. 
The verdict is out. Watch your local listings for a TV show or movie coming soon.. . or listen to the air as the groaning from the planet truly takes place in a distant valley.