Chalk this one up to truth in advertising?

Heart Attack Grill owner defends his restaurant after a patron eats a Triple Bypass Burger–and has heart attack! I’d consider this one just truth in advertising.. don’t the diners sign a waiver? If not it may be time to write one up..It’s not often we find truth in advertising. McDonalds doesn’t tell us how bad their … Read moreChalk this one up to truth in advertising?

This story is sad and alarming: More than 3,000 children from Northern Uganda suffering from debilitating mystery ailment known as nodding disease

The strange disease known only as ‘nodding disease’ is confounding experts.. it is also killing children at an alarming rate.. unknown are the causes.. what is known is this: The disease affects only children and gradually devastates its victims through debilitating seizures, stunted growth, wasted limbs, mental disabilities and sometimes starvation.. This story is sad … Read moreThis story is sad and alarming: More than 3,000 children from Northern Uganda suffering from debilitating mystery ailment known as nodding disease

In two days my son will turn 1. Today my wife turns 32. When life happens it seems slow. When you look back it all seems fast. Happy birthday Tara. And many more. Let’s watch Ayden grow old together.