The photos and stories coming from the heartland of America are tough..

Lives and limbs lost due to the tornado outbreak.. And even more, an entire town has been wiped off the landscape due to severe weather–severe weather that just doesn’t seem right happening this late in winter.. or early in spring, depending on what your view of the seasonal change is.

As a matter of fact, the 70+ tornado reports (if all confirmed) will blow away the typical overall number for March in general–70 plus in just one day with an entire month to go.

And speaking of not being out of the woods yet, tornado warnings yet again abound: All the way from Alabama to parts of Northern Florida. 

It goes without saying but I’ll say it anyway: Prepare and be aware. Watch what is above and know what is below. 

This may be a very long and drawn out spring and summer of severe weather. Don’t be surprised if someone today believes that the Mayan calender is right after all..