It’s amazing to think.. it has been 1 year since this hell on earth of a Japanese quake and tsunami was unleashed. One year. I thought time flew only when you were having fun..? One year.. do we even remember the people of Japan anymore? Do we even think of the radiation levels.. wonder how … Read more
Month: March 2012
Maybe now we see why some companies keep ingredients “secret”.. Coke and Pepsi are going to drop the ‘cancer’ chemicals that they put into their product. Thanks Coke and Pepsi. I’m 31.. and drank lots of you.. thanks for doing this now..
Maybe now we see why some companies keep ingredients “secret”.. Coke and Pepsi are going to drop the ‘cancer’ chemicals that they put into their product. Thanks Coke and Pepsi. I’m 31.. and drank lots of you.. thanks for doing this now..
Tonight you ‘spring forward’
Or do it now and screw your day up.. Nothing is constant.
Who out there is deathly afraid of change?
Who is afraid of airplaines? New jobs? Success? Failure… Who is just afraid? And how does one beat fear?
Damn man, I’m governor, could you shut up for a second? Chris Christie, New Jersey Governor
Good evening all…And goodnight to those who are giving up on the darkness. (Source:
Hope vs Faith: I may be able to unite religious zealots and atheists with my theory of life
I have been having a series of interesting discussions recently with some friends.. One is a Christian who has faith she says is unwavering, no matter what evidence may appear to the contrary. The other is an atheist who had unwavering faith that nothing of a God exists and instead it’s a fairy tale told … Read moreHope vs Faith: I may be able to unite religious zealots and atheists with my theory of life
Blares and flares.. if the CME don’t kill ya the magnetic storm may
Sunspot AR1429 has unleashed another strong solar flare, an M6-class eruption on March 9th at 0358 UT. The blast hurled a coronal mass ejection almost directly toward Earth..Forecast track.. News outlets and other sources breathed a collective sigh of relief when no major issues occurred from the solar flare unleashed two days ago – but What … Read moreBlares and flares.. if the CME don’t kill ya the magnetic storm may
So finally.. proof of God… dirty filthy sexual pun of proof. (Source: