Now it feels like summer

There has been heat wave after heat wave. Droughts abundant. The Mississippi River is drying up and corn crops are obliterated. But it truly didn’t feel like summer until the parade of nations in London. The Olympics will take our minds off of real life for a while.

The irony is these nations that march in together and place their flags side by side often hate each other and are confined to wars with each other. 

We are in the 21st century but yet so many of the people from countries coming in are leaving a homeland of disease, death, and pestilence. 

The modern era is still a stone age for some. 

But the games are beginning..

Tears .. Gold medals .. high drama. High expectations. And high security.

Let there be peace on each for two weeks but a battle in sports! 
Let there be peace on earth after that too. Too hard to ask?

Yea.. I guess so.