Art Bell makes his call!! He supports Obama in ‘12
Day: November 6, 2012
Rural going Romney; cities go Obama
No changes from any other year.. Turnout is key
Hmm… Drudge now puts Ohio in a toss up line…
It’s early
But there’s a potential Obama landslide if the exit polls hold
Drudge Report has on the exit poll information already, (along with that strange ad of the bald man who looks like Obama) Looking like an early night perhaps???
A beautiful election day sunset!! Polls are busy where I am, and probably your area too. Take pride America, this is your day…
My pick, but don’t bet on it
I waited until very late in the game, but I am choosing who the electorate will pick for the next president of United States. Barack Obama. I think he will win Pennsylvania by a slim margin, and when all Ohio by and even slimmer margin. He may even win Florida by the slimmest of slim … Read moreMy pick, but don’t bet on it
Trying to read the tea leaves on TV
I was watching coverage of the election on all three major networks, CNN, Fox, and MSNBC. On those programs during interviews, Republicans look a little nervous and Democrats look a little overconfident. Not sure if my observations mean anything, it could just be that Republicans are nervous and Democrats are overconfident, or it could mean … Read moreTrying to read the tea leaves on TV
The civic duty in action. Elections are like Christmas!
The Boss makes Boss Hog cry: Chris Christie all choked up by Springsteen call
The Boss makes Boss Hog cry: Chris Christie all choked up by Springsteen call