Christmas tragedies.. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why around holidays? 2012 has been a rough year.. Hasn’t it?

Just got informed that a co-worker and good friend lost her sister in a rafting accident in another country.. I will obviously withhold personal information but… it made me feel awful.

I am not a doomsayer or someone who believes the end times are upon us.. but with news of national attention recently and even personal attention, it just isn’t good, is it? Tragic scenarios are playing out everywhere. This has been a rough year.
2013 almost here (yes already) so maybe things will improve. Right?
Again… Right?
But as for the current time, we are dealing with an aftermath of a horrific shooting in Newtown, Connecticut  And whatever personal horror you are dealing with in your private life.

If we make it through December we’ll be fine.