Terrible or just so-so 2s

Well we are here. That stage of parenting when things either get magical or …deplorable. The time when the potty training goes spot on, or you gets spots on everything.. when your child learns to eat new food or just learns to hide it. It’s the dreaded age. Ayden has been two now for several weeks. And funny enough, he’s beginning to act like it.

I am actually impressed with how ‘not terrible’ his terrible 2s have been thus far.. I mean, sure, he did throw a temper fit when Mommy picked him up at day care, as parents and fellow students watched in horror. And yes, he did dart away from Daddy at Crackerbarrel, and almost storm into the kitchen at the same time almost knocking over a waitress with food. But you expect this.. right? 

Ayden is a wonderful child. Who is hellbent on being inquisitive, inventive, and, often, terrible. Terrible in a way, of course, that is humorous and wonderful, all the same. He tests the limits. He is beginning to know that Daddy gives in quicker than Mommy. He also knows Grammy and Pop will pretty much do anything for him.. Ayden is acting his age. And despite a few extra stressful moments, it’s wonderful beyond belief. 

Watching Ayden grow, learn, and become a toddler is amazing. 

I cannot believe how fast two years went by, and sometimes desire to go back in time to a simpler period of life.. when he was learning to crawl, and then walk.. learning to bump his head the right way so it wouldn’t hit.. But seeing him now, as he learns letters and numbers, days of the week, and months of the year, there is something so much better about 2 than 1 and below. NO matter how terrible they will go..

So thanks for humoring me and allowing me to have  Saturday night parenting post. 

Now it’s time to set the clock ahead. 
Thankfully Ayden skipped his nap today in lieu of playing Super Mario Bros on the Wii (or watching Daddy play it).. so he should be just fine..

Spring into action. Sunday funday await.