Justice served

CNN reports: Two Steubenville high school football players accused of raping an allegedly drunk 16-year-old girl were found guilty by an Ohio judge on Sunday. Judge Thomas Lipps announced his decision after reviewing evidence presented over four days of testimony in the case against 17-year-old Trent Mays and 16-year-old Ma’lik Richmond

The Pope of surprises.. now he’s making speeches off the cuff, scaring people by showing up in different places around the Vatican, and kissing babies.. As NBC news reported this morning: Earlier, he began his first Sunday as pontiff by making an impromptu appearance to the public from a side gate of the Vatican, startling … Read more

Five men have confessed to gang-raping a Swiss tourist in central India, authorities said Sunday. Police said they will give out more information at a news conference later in the day. A CNN news alert ..meanwhile in America, all eyes will be on Steubenville today as that rape trial verdict will be handed down..